To model how Earth's rotation on its axis causes night and day to occur and how Earth's tilt on its axis as it revolves around the sun, I decided to use the following online animation: While my students were viewing the animation a few times, I had them draw diagrams to show Earth's position during each of the four seasons.
After students completed their diagrams, I had them each write a detailed paragraph that fully described what causes night and day to occur on Earth and what causes the change of seasons on Earth. I was slightly disappointed in the overall quality of the written work my students completed. Next time I use this lesson, I plan to use a rubric so my students will know exactly what is expected out of them.
When all students were completed with both assignments, I had them work in small groups using a flashlight and inflatable globe to model Earth's tilt and position during each season. Unfortunately, since I did not want to use a flash when taking these pictures I was only able to get one that was worth posting.