Sunday, March 20, 2011

Natural Disasters

I think natural disasters can provide great learning experiences for our students. Not all areas experience the same weather related phenomena and I feel it is important to understand what can occur in different parts of the world. Living in Ohio, earthquakes and tsunamis are not really a threat but the recent disaster in Japan has provided some valuable learning experiences for my students. They now have a greater understanding of just how devastating both earthquakes and tsunamis can be.

After last year’s disaster in Haiti, my school conducted a fundraiser and was able to send more than $1,000 to help relief efforts. We are currently organizing another fundraiser this year to assist with relief efforts in Japan. I am going to have my students work in small groups creating posters that will be hung around the school to advertise this fundraiser. These fundraisers are a great way for all of the students in my school to work together for a worthy cause. I will also make sure my students are aware of how many countries helped out America after the tragedies on September 11, 2001. There are also many churches and community centers in the area that are ask people to work together to help provide some relief for others after a natural disaster.